Contentdesign: de basisprincipes

16 tm 20 september 2024 (5 dagdelen van 2 uur)

In 5 sessies van 2 uur leer je de basis van contentdesign. Je leert content te maken die toegankelijk en bruikbaar is voor elke digitale vorm, zoals websites, mail en documenten. De cursus is online en in het Engels. De docent is Katrina Dixon, voorheen werkzaam bij



Je weet hoe je technieken en tools kunt inzetten om de juiste content te maken op de juiste tijd, de juiste plek en het juiste formaat. Met deze kwaliteiten verhoog je je marktkansen en kom je in hogere salarisschalen, want goede contentdesigners zijn moeilijk te vinden en essentieel voor elk digitaal project.


Met contentdesign gebruik je data om te weten wat jouw gebruikers nodig hebben. We ontwerpen content om mensen te helpen om hun taken uit te kunnen voeren. 'Content' gaat over tekst, afbeeldingen, video. In websites, maar ook in mail, apps en documenten. Content kan taal zijn, maar ook afbeeldingen, kaarten, grafieken, infographics, video, enzovoort. In deze cursus leer je de aanpak die gebruikt is bij het maken van de content voor GOV.UK.

De cursus is ontwikkeld door Padma Gillen, auteur van Lead with Content. Voorheen was hij Head of Content Design bij Tegenwoordig is hij CEO van Llibertat, een digitaal bureau dat websitebezoekers op de eerste plaats zet. Zijn collega Katrina verzorgt de cursus.

Inhoud van de sessies (in het Engels)

Session 1: User needs

You’ll learn:

  • what content strategy centred around user needs is – and why you should care
  • why content design is based on giving the user what they need, not assumptions or what an organisation wants a user to do
  • why needs are emotional as well as functional
  • how to write well-formed user stories
  • what ‘acceptance criteria’ are, what a good one looks like and why they’re vital
  • how to rethink the way you approach content creation so it works for your users

Session 2: Designing for accessibility and the psychology of ux

You’ll learn:

  • the traditional and broader meanings of accessibility in user experience design
  • why accessibility is about everyone, not ‘us’ and ‘them’
  • how accessibility is built in to content design principles and activities
  • tools and techniques for embedding accessibility in building content
  • how the way our brains work underpins the human-centred approach to user needs
  • to understand basic principles, including desire paths and our primordial focus
  • why cognitive overload is important and how we design to allow users to focus
  • why we approach user mistakes from the perspective of solving their problems
  • how the way our memory works makes it essential for us to simplify tasks
  • how to design each step of the user journey to make products easy to use

Session 3: Designing with data

You’ll learn:

  • how to use freely available tools to uncover what your users search for, user behaviour and what they need from content
  • how to identify and validate content requests by using the evidence-based user needs approach
  • how to use data to validate user needs, and the basics of using different forms of data
  • how to use user research and analytics data to create content that meets your users’ needs

Session 4: Writing for the web

You’ll learn:

  • how people interact with information online
  • best practice principles of writing for the web, including plain English, how to structure information and how to use tone and voice
  • how to meet user needs without words – images, video and the visual language of design
  • how to maximise user engagement
  • how to structure your content to increase conversion rates

Session 5: Agile content production

You’ll learn:

  • the principles of agile project management
  • how a content designer works in multi-disciplinary and agile environments
  • practices and tools used in agile content production
  • how agile roles and workflow help content designers to meet user needs
  • what it’s like to work in an agile content team

Learn through a mixture of theory and practice. This includes presentations and practical exercises. You will also have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the challenges and opportunities of delivering well-designed content that meets users needs.



5 dagdelen van 2 uur, 15.00 - 17.00 uur


  • 16 tm 20 september 2024




€ 950,- exclusief 21% btw



Lead with Content (krijg je bij de cursus)


Deze training geven wij ook in-company.


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